EasyEdit Viewer + Assets A Tool For Video Design

Create your creative with a variety of video templates and millions of free media files. Works in Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro.

updated 11 February - v log of updates

Try It Yourself

Try packs for EasyEdit Viewer
and take your content to another level!

EasyEdit Viewer
Quick and simple access to 10000+ video templates. Import ready-made compositions to your project in just one click. Work faster!
Huge Template Library
All in one place inside your favorite application. Everything is here — animated typography, titles transitions, slideshows, intros, openers and more!
Create Amazing Ads
With our extensive library of templates, it's easy to be a pro and create stunning motion graphics.
Boost Your Vlog
Take your YouTube channel to the next level with EasyEdit Viewer. We’ve got it covered for you with ready-made channel openers, episode intros, titles, lower thirds, end cards, subscribes and more!
Focus On Engagement
With our extensive library of templates, it's easy to be a pro and create stunning motion graphics.
Edit Impressive Videos
Create professional products for movies, television and internet. Edit your videos lightning-fast, with ease and fun!
In Action
So handy to use and always with you

Shots Preview

Hover on any shot in the library for quick and instant preview. Organised library simplifies your workflow and keeps you focused.

Quick Import

Import shots instantly — in a click of a button. It’s never been that easy.

Quick Search

Quick and simple search lets you find the shot you need in seconds. Your library is organised so you don’t have to waste time anymore.

24/7 Support

Our lightning-fast 24/7 support is ready to assist you in any issue that may occur. Stay calm, we got you covered.

EasyEdit Assets
A power tool for finding and downloading free media resources, with seamless integration to Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro
More Than 83+ Million Free Media Files
Easily surf and import assets from huge library. Import Gifs, images, videos with just one click into your project.
Add Bright Emotions To Your Project
Spice up your project and make it more vivid and bright with tons of cool GIFs and emojis.
Infinite Content For Your Social Media
Search and add various content to your project and create engaging posts and memorable stories.
Seamless Workflow
Choose videos for your awesome ad, without ever leaving your favorite editing software.
In Action
So handy to use and always with you 83+ Million Free Media Files

Fast & Easy Search

Easily surf and import assets from more than 83+ million free media files in one place.

Quick Import

Import Gifs, images, videos with just one click into your project.

Downloads History

Keep track of your assets with a neatly organised downloads history.

Organised Library

All media is divided into categories, so it’s much easier to keep track of your assets.

Try It Yourself

Try packs for EasyEdit Viewer
and take your content to another level!