Created: 5 years ago

Video Templates for fast editing

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How to export from Premiere Pro to Instagram

Stop Letting Instagram Ruin Your Videos with this export settings.Currently, Instagram supports three video formats.Ratio 1 to 1. 1,9 to 1. 4 to 5. In order to see what kind of video settings we have initially.

Click the 'Sequence' > 'Sequence Settings'

As we see our video format is 16 to 9. The frame rate is 50fps. Such settings are not suitable for us since Instagram cuts the size and compress the frame rate to 30fps.

Sequence settings for 1:1 format

With this settings our video will not lose quality after uploading it toInstagram. In the project window > right-click > create a new sequence.

Open the settings tab > Select custom mode > Select an odd frequency to 30fps > Set the frame size 600 to 600 > Choose square pixels.

And we get a video with a resolution of sides 1 to 1. Give the name to your sequence.

We put our video on it and leave the sequence settings that we have set. Next,open the effects window and change the scale and position in order to set ourframe.

Sequence settings for 1,9:1 format

We set the frame rate to 30fps > Frame size 600 and 315 > Select square pixels > And givethe name to the sequence > Transfer our video to a sequence and leave the sequence settings.

In the Effects window, we change position and scale. To get a beautiful frame.

Sequence settings for 4:5 format

We do the same actions. 30fps > select frame size 600 and 750 > Square pixels > Give thename to the sequence > Transfer the video and leave the sequence settings.

Adjust the frame in the Effects window.

Sequence settings for 9:16 format These size are perfect for Instagram stories. 30fps > framesize 1080 and 1920 > Square pixels > give the name to the sequence > Transfer our video toa sequence and leave the sequence settings.

In the effects window, we change the position and scale.

Best Export Settings to Instagram

To export the file, click “file” > Export > Media

In the opened window select the format. Instagram and other the most modern platformssupport the h.264 format. Give the name to your video > select the folder to export> check out if you export video and audio > go to the bitrate settings > select a doubletender pass > set the maximum and minimum bitrate points.

For Instagram we choose 4mbps. You can see how the size of our file was significantly reduced. Turn on the“use maximum render quality” function.

Audio that suits us is AAC. And for convenience save this render settings to upload nextvideos to Instagram.

If you want to export videos of the highest quality from After Effects, Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro and Davinci Resolve, check this guide.

If you want to post videos of the best quality to Instagram, check this guide.

Upload it and enjoy!

More tutorials watch on our YouTube channel 🔑

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